





试卷介绍: 最新的英语学科知识与教学能力高级中学试卷(一)已经整理好,大家快来复习备考吧。



  • 1. The situational approach is a grammar-based language teaching method which focuses on ________.

    Agrammar and vocabularies

    Boral language and sentence patterns

    Cspeaking and listening

    Dpronunciation and speaking

  • 2. Which of the following words in bold is pronounced with a rising tone?

    AWhat's your name?

    B He is very short.

    C Who will pick me up, he or you?

    D Let's count our new books. One, two, three, four.

  • 3. The boy walking back and forth at the door, his anxiety was________to everyone on the spot.


    B ambiguous

    C apparent

    D absurd

  • 4. What is the relationship between "livestock" and "cattle" ?


    B Hyponymy.

    C Polysemy.   

    D Antonymy.

  • 5. Which of the following models is not frequently used in listening teaching?

    ABottom-up Model.

    B Top-down Model.

    C PPT Model.   

    D Interactive Model.

  • 1. 听力技能是语言技能的重要内容之一。请简述听力基本技能包括哪些内容,并选择其中的三项技能.列举出合理的训练方式。
  • 1. 请你指出上面三个教学目标制定是否合理,并分别说明理由。
    (1) Group the general idea of the reading material.
    (2) hnprove the students´ reading ability.
    (3) Arouse the students´ awareness of helping others in need.
  • 1. 以下材料选自《普通高中课程标准实验教科书·英语(必修1)》Unit 1 Friendship。请设计一节阅读课的教案。
    Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through?
    Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.
    Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, "I don´t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend,and I shall call my friend Kitty. " Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942.
    Thursday 15th June,1944

    Dear Kitty,
    I wonder if it´s because I haven´t been able to be outdoors for so long that I´ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That´s changed since I was here.
    ...For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn´t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn´t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I´d seen the night face to face...
    ...Sadly...I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.
    It´s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.