





试卷介绍: 2022年成考高起点每日一练《英语》11月5日专为备考2022年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • 1. This one is()of the two.

    Athe best

    Bthe better

    Cmuch better


  • 2. What should be taught to students according to Paragraph 3 ?

    AWays to improve their research habits.

    BHow to do research on the Internet.

    CSkills to judge the quality of information.

    DHow to pay attention to their studies.

  • 3. Which of the following expression is not for E-mail?

    ACommunication in new age.

    BInvisible world.

    CA live talk.

    DComputerized exchange.

  • 1. 提示:Henry和妻子准备请朋友吃饭。Henry打电话到餐厅预约,女服务员接听了电话。 ( Waitress = W ; Henry = H) W : Star Restaurant. 51__________? H : Yes. I' d like to book a table for dinner this evening. W : 52__________, please? H:My name is Henry James. W: 53__________? H : Four people. Can we have a table by the window, please? W : No problem, sir. 54__________? H : We' 11 arrive at 7: 30. W : All right, sir. I' ve taken everything down. H :Thank you very much. W: 55__________.
  • 2. 请在53处填写最佳答案。
  • 3. 请在51处填写最佳答案。
  • 1. 第 (55)题答案为().
  • 2. 第(54)空填()。
  • 3. 第 (54)题答案为().
  • 1. 假设你是李华,写一封电子邮件给你的美国朋友Peter,请他帮你买一本英文书,邮件的具体内容包括: 1.书名和作者:Anne Lindbergh所著Gift from the Sea; 2.买书目的和原因:写学期论文用作参考,在当地买不到; 3.邮寄地址:北京城市大学英语学院,邮编:100000; 4.询问付款方式; 5.表示感谢。 注意:1.词数应为100左右; 2.邮件内容须写在答题卡的指定位置上。 Dear Peter, ____________________________________ Yours, Li Hua