





试卷介绍: 2017年10月自考英语二真题答案(00015)已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!



  • 1. I was worried when I was in Mrs. Johnson's first class.()



    CNot Given

  • 2. Mrs. Johnson cared about my future.()



    CNot Given

  • 3. I finally became a top student in the writing class.()



    CNot Given

  • 4. Mrs. Johnson let me improve my writing by myself.()



    CNot Given

  • 5. Mrs. Johnson preferred to email students.()



    CNot Given

  • 1. This text is mainly about the().

    Ahistory of kilts

    Bproduction of kilts

    Cmyths of kilts

    Dstyles of kilts

  • 2. People do not wear kilts every day probably because of their().

    Afunny designs

    Bdull colours

    Cpoor quality

    Dhigh prices

  • 3. In Scotland, kilts are more often seen().

    Ain tourist shop

    Bin public schools

    Con the stage

    Dat local markets

  • 4. Mel Gibson is probably a().



    Cmovie star

    Dfashion designer

  • 5. According to the text, Scotsmen().

    Alike foreign culture

    Bsometimes wear kilts

    Cenjoy talking about kilt

    Doften visit foreign countries

  • 1. Deborah was a hero .()

    A teaching herself on the farm

    B for her unusual courage

    C a doctor discovered her secret

    D her family couldn't support her

    E dressing and behaving like a man

    F for her excellent teaching

  • 2. Deborah left the army after .()

    A teaching herself on the farm

    B for her unusual courage

    C a doctor discovered her secret

    D her family couldn't support her

    E dressing and behaving like a man

    F for her excellent teaching

  • 3. Deborah went into the army by .()

    A teaching herself on the farm

    B for her unusual courage

    C a doctor discovered her secret

    D her family couldn't support her

    E dressing and behaving like a man

    F for her excellent teaching

  • 4. Deborah became a teacher by .()

    A teaching herself on the farm

    B for her unusual courage

    C a doctor discovered her secret

    D her family couldn't support her

    E dressing and behaving like a man

    F for her excellent teaching

  • 5. Deborah was sent to others home because .()

    A teaching herself on the farm

    B for her unusual courage

    C a doctor discovered her secret

    D her family couldn't support her

    E dressing and behaving like a man

    F for her excellent teaching

  • 1. 第30题选()

    A Everyone before me had declared a major.

    BSo I've narrowed my list down to anything but medicine.

    C The admissions officer asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

    D In the end, only one brave person said she was undecided.

    EAdmissions advisors help you to make decisions.

    F However, I'm confident I'll find a solution.

  • 2. 第29题选()

    A Everyone before me had declared a major.

    BSo I've narrowed my list down to anything but medicine.

    C The admissions officer asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

    D In the end, only one brave person said she was undecided.

    EAdmissions advisors help you to make decisions.

    F However, I'm confident I'll find a solution.

  • 3. 第28题选()

    A Everyone before me had declared a major.

    BSo I've narrowed my list down to anything but medicine.

    C The admissions officer asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

    D In the end, only one brave person said she was undecided.

    EAdmissions advisors help you to make decisions.

    F However, I'm confident I'll find a solution.

  • 4. 第27题选()

    A Everyone before me had declared a major.

    BSo I've narrowed my list down to anything but medicine.

    C The admissions officer asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

    D In the end, only one brave person said she was undecided.

    EAdmissions advisors help you to make decisions.

    F However, I'm confident I'll find a solution.

  • 5. 第26题选()

    A Everyone before me had declared a major.

    BSo I've narrowed my list down to anything but medicine.

    C The admissions officer asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

    D In the end, only one brave person said she was undecided.

    EAdmissions advisors help you to make decisions.

    F However, I'm confident I'll find a solution.

  • 1. 39空填 ()
  • 2. 40空填 ()
  • 3. 38空填 ()
  • 4. 37空填 ()
  • 5. 36空填 ()
  • 1. 第50题()
  • 2. 第49题()
  • 3. 第48题()
  • 4. 第47题()
  • 5. 第46题()
  • 1. 某英文报社正在举办题为 "Exercise Every Day" 的征文活动。请就此题目写—篇英文短文应征,内容包括:





