





试卷介绍: 2015年4月自考英语二真题答案(00015)已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!



  • 1. Music is believed to have a comforting effect.()



    CNot Given

  • 2. Many people like romantic songs().



    CNot Given

  • 3. Romantic songs help people recover from breakups faster().



    CNot Given

  • 4. People should listen to songs with positive words().



    CNot Given

  • 5. You should remove all of the old music from your list().



    CNot Given

  • 1. In talking about her first job experience, Sue expressed a sense of().





  • 2. What did Sue suggest we do at our first job()?

    ASeize every possible opportunity.

    BGet ready to take over the place.

    CMake active contacts with others.

    DStay humble before the older staff.

  • 3. "I was hung up on the thought" in Paragraph 3 probably means "I()".





  • 4. When Sue started her first job, she().

    Aintroduced herself around

    Basked her supervisor for help

    Cshook hands with colleagues

    Dwaited for others to talk to her

  • 5. How do people usually feel when meeting people at their first job()?





  • 1. It took fourteen years,().

    AWashington went to study bridges

    Bto express her thanks

    CWashington took over the job

    Dto build the bridge

    EEmily began to play a bigger role

    Fto defend her husband

  • 2. Emily gave a speech,().

    AWashington went to study bridges

    Bto express her thanks

    CWashington took over the job

    Dto build the bridge

    EEmily began to play a bigger role

    Fto defend her husband

  • 3. As time went on, ().

    AWashington went to study bridges

    Bto express her thanks

    CWashington took over the job

    Dto build the bridge

    EEmily began to play a bigger role

    Fto defend her husband

  • 4. Accompanied by Emily,().

    AWashington went to study bridges

    Bto express her thanks

    CWashington took over the job

    Dto build the bridge

    EEmily began to play a bigger role

    Fto defend her husband

  • 5. After his father died,().

    AWashington went to study bridges

    Bto express her thanks

    CWashington took over the job

    Dto build the bridge

    EEmily began to play a bigger role

    Fto defend her husband

  • 1. 30题选()

    ASet aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.

    BThis is especially true if you are new to a game.

    CPlaying games can help you make new friends.

    DYou will be surprised at how much it provides your life.

    EHowever, it can also help you exercise your brain.

    FYou can also invite friends over to play games with you.

  • 2. 29题选()

    ASet aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.

    BThis is especially true if you are new to a game.

    CPlaying games can help you make new friends.

    DYou will be surprised at how much it provides your life.

    EHowever, it can also help you exercise your brain.

    FYou can also invite friends over to play games with you.

  • 3. 28题选()

    ASet aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.

    BThis is especially true if you are new to a game.

    CPlaying games can help you make new friends.

    DYou will be surprised at how much it provides your life.

    EHowever, it can also help you exercise your brain.

    FYou can also invite friends over to play games with you.

  • 4. 27题选()

    ASet aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.

    BThis is especially true if you are new to a game.

    CPlaying games can help you make new friends.

    DYou will be surprised at how much it provides your life.

    EHowever, it can also help you exercise your brain.

    FYou can also invite friends over to play games with you.

  • 5. 26题选()

    ASet aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.

    BThis is especially true if you are new to a game.

    CPlaying games can help you make new friends.

    DYou will be surprised at how much it provides your life.

    EHowever, it can also help you exercise your brain.

    FYou can also invite friends over to play games with you.

  • 1. 第36空 填()
  • 2. 第39空 填()
  • 3. 第40空填()
  • 4. 第38空填()
  • 5. 第37空填()
  • 1. 第45 题()
  • 2. 第50题()
  • 3. 第49题()
  • 4. 第48题()
  • 5. 第47题()
  • 1. 某英文报社正在举办“I Like Playing Sports”的征文活动。写一篇英文短文应征。内容包括以下两个方面: 你经常做什么体育运动? 体育运动对你有哪些好处?