





试卷介绍: CATTI英语笔译实务二级模拟试题(一)里面有着非常精彩的英语笔译实务二级考试题目,大家快来备考吧。



  • 1. Before our eyes, the world is undergoing a massive demographic transformation. Globally, the number of people age 60 and over is projected to double to more than 2 billion by 2050, and those 60 and over will outnumber children under the age of five.Some in the public and private sector are already taking note — and sounding the alarm. In his first term as chairman of the US Federal Reserve, with the Great Recession looming, Ben Bernanke remarked, “In the coming decades, many forces will shape our economy and our society, but in all likelihood no single factor will have as pervasive an effect as the aging of our population.” Back in 2010, Standard & Poor’s predicted that the biggest influence on “the future of national economic health, public finances, and policymaking” will be “the irreversible rate at which the world’s population is aging”.
    “While some people are financially capable of retiring,not all are ready to retire,” says the article. “Many older people need to save longer for retirement so they don’t outlive their savings. Others just choose to work longer to continue to remain cognitively engaged and actively contributing to society.”
    Unfortunately, misconceptions abound about them: older people will get sick and leave,they are a drain on company benefits,they have difficulty adapting to change and lack technology capabilities, they won’t work as hard as younger people and “are just coasting toward retirement”.
    Because of this, they experience the highest rate of unemployment in the general workforce, and for longer periods of time — double that of younger generations. Surveys consistently show people 50-plus believe they experience age discrimination in the job market. Some refer to this age group as “the new unemployable” .
    It is no secret that they offer considerable experience and skills, providing an opportunity for employers across all sectors, especially as the growth rate of the workforce slows or even shrinks in the future. And the companies lucky enough to hire them will reap the many benefits afforded to those who “strategically harness the power of generational diversity and build inclusive age-friendly, organizational cultures”.
  • 2. It was one of those days that the peasant fishermen on this tributary of the Amazon River dream about.With water levels falling rapidly at the peak of the dry season, a giant school of bass, a tasty fish that fetches a good price at markets, was swimming right into the nets being cast from a dozen small canoes here.
    "With a bit of luck, you can make $350 on a day like this, " Lauro Souza Almeida, a leader of the local fishermen´ s cooperative, exulted as he moved into position. "That is a fortune for people like us, " he said, the equivalent of four months at the minimum wage earned by those fortunate enough to find work.
    But hovering nearby was a large commercial fishing vessel, a " mother boat" equipped with large ice chests for storage and hauling more than a dozen smaller craft. The crew on board was just waiting for the
    remainder of the fish to move into the river´ s main channel, where they intended to scoop up as many as they could with their efficient gill nets.
    A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line and satisfy the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad.
    In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly
    successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants´ less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations.
    "The industrial fishing boats, the big 20-to 30-ton vessels, they have a different mentality than us artisanal fishermen, who have learned to take the protection of the environment into account, " said the president of the local fishermen´ s union. "They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing. "
  • 1. 改革开放30多年来,中国发生了巨大变化。从1979年到2004年,中国经济年均增长9.4%,居民消费水平年均提高7%,进出口贸易额年均递增16.7%。2004年,中国国内生产总值达到16494亿美元;进出口贸易额达到11548亿美4元。我们初步建立了社会主义市场经济体制,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。
  • 2. 生存在功利社会,奔波劳顿,勾心斗角,若想做到从心所欲,难矣哉!人自孩提时代起,求学、谋职、恋爱、成家、立业、功名、财富??几乎无时不在追求,而且总也不能满足。当然事业上的进取与物欲上的贪婪,是两种截然不同的人生观,或可说是两种内涵迥异的苦乐观。但有一点是共同的,即人生的道路并非平坦的康庄大道,事物的发展往往不以人的意志为转移。与其陶醉在“梦想成真”的幻觉中,莫若在实践中多多磨砺自己,有道是“苍天不负有心人”嘛!即或如此,也未必事事天遂人愿。总之,有追求必有烦恼,这就是生活的实际。