试卷介绍: 2024年成考专升本每日一练《英语》12月11日专为备考2024年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。
Amany different games with balls
Bmany different kinds of games
Conly one ball game
Ddifferent games with similar roles
AThe Negroes came to North America in order to work for the earliest immigrant
BThe Negroes also belonged to the earliest immigrants to the North America
CThe Negroes were brought to America by chance
DThe Negroes didn't win freedom until no
AMatch your presentation to the needs of your audience
BMake sure to wear your best clothes
CBring detailed handout
DKnow your material thoroughly
AIt helped him remaincalm.
BIt helped him train his brain.
CIt made him proud ofhimself.
DIt made him question himself.