
2022-12-21 10:15:29 来源:吉格考试网

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Sanya City College (SCC) is a higher education institute offering full-time diploma courses for students nationwide. SCC is approved by the Hainan Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education. The school is located in Sanya city, a beautiful international travel destination renowned as the “Oriental Hawaii”. Walking into SCC, you will be immersed in picturesque environment and artistic school buildings. Besides, the campus is adjacent to historic sites and natural attractions such as Sanya Bay, Dadonghai, Yalong Bay, and Haitang Bay, all of which makes it an ideal place for study and living.


Sanya City College, founded in 2001, is the first college of higher education in Sanya, Hainan. At present it comprises of six departments: Tourism Management Department, Economics and Management Department, Urban Management Department, Dali Arts Department, public curriculum Department, and International Education Department. SCC offers majors in such domains as tourism, economics, and information technology. Benefited from the advantages of Beijing Fazheng Group, we are exploring new paths of talent cultivation and thereby establishing our own educational scheme. We have built 6 independent discipline brands and service centers: Tourism and Hotel Management, Information and Digital Media, Construction Design, Finance and Economics, and Visual Arts. This way, SCC can meet the high standards of social development and the demand for talents.


SCC’s development features a scientific strategy, distinctive characteristics, and the pursuit of excellence. SCC is striving to become a dynamic, energetic, and competitive applied international institute that ranks among Tier 1 in Hainan, and well-known across China.
