是否211 | 否 | 是否985 | 否 |
是否是双一流 | 否 | 创建时间 | 1963年 |
博士点数量 | 一级0个/二级0个 | 硕士点数量 | 一级0个/二级0个 |
隶属城市 | 广西省南宁市 | 学历层次 | 专科(高职) |
广西经贸职业技术学院是2004年由自治区人民政府批准成立的公办全日制普通高等职业院校,隶属自治区供销合作联社。学校现有:青山、明秀、五合(在建)三个校区,全日制高职在校生11754人,教职工358人,专兼职教师386人,拥有高级职称79人,中级职称169人 ,3人入选广西“十百千”拔尖会计人才。另外还聘任了一批兼职教授、企业高管及能工巧匠等充实教学及科研队伍。
Guangxi Economic and Trade Vocational Institute (GXETVI), a public full-time vocational college approved by the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2004, is affiliated with the Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. GXETVI has currently set up three campuses, namely Qingshan Campus, Changgang Campus, and Wuhe Campus (under construction). It has 11,754 full-time students, 358 faculty members, 386 full-time and part-time teachers, of whom 79 have senior professional post titles, 169 have medium professional post titles, and three have been selected as Guangxi "Ten-Hundred-Thousand" Top Accounting Talent. In addition, the Institute has recruited a group of part-time professors, enterprise executives, and skilled personnel to enrich teams for teaching and scientific research.
GXETVI has set up 8 secondary colleges, including School of Business Management, School of Accounting and Finance, School of Intelligence and Information Engineering, School of Culture and Tourism, School of Art Design and Architecture, School of General Education, School of Marxism, and Digital Business College. On this basis, it forms a professional development pattern with commercial and trade majors as core and serving rural modern circulation as a feature; attaches great importance to five major groups of finance and accounting, modern circulation, business information, art design, and tourism service; and establishes 39 higher vocational specialties, such as e-commerce, apparel and accessories design, accounting, cooking technique and nutrition, and marketing.
Following the motto of "establish moral sentiments, carry forward business, and prosper trades with high aspirations", GXETVI has formed the schooling concept of "stay true to business, master the knowledge of business, conduct research on business, and integrate and promote business", and the talent training concept of "cultivate talent who integrate business with knowledge and possess both virtue and ability". Rooted in Guangxi's business culture, the institute serves the economic and social development of Guangxi and obtains fruitful education results. The Institute has been included in the model higher vocational colleges of national supply and marketing cooperatives, the second batch of national pilot units of modern apprenticeship, the first batch of national project construction units of teaching innovation teams of teachers of vocational education, and Guangxi project construction units of the high-level specialty construction plan. GXETVI has won two national teaching achievement awards, 10 teaching achievement awards in the autonomous region, four majors supported by central finance, and three integrated construction projects of characteristic specialties and courses in colleges and universities in Guangxi, six construction sites of advantageous and characteristic specialties in colleges and universities in Guangxi, three demonstration training bases for higher vocational education in the autonomous region, and more than 100 honors of all kinds.