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1、The police officers in our city work hard()the rest of us can live a safe life.  

  • A:in case
  • B:as if
  • C:in order that
  • D:only if

答 案:C

解 析:句意:我们城市的警察努力工作是为了我们其他人可以安全地生活。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,空处引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,故应用in order that引导从句。


  • A:cinema
  • B:hotel
  • C:exit
  • D:centre

答 案:A

解 析:画线部分在B、C、D三项中的发音是[e],在A项中的发音是

3、He is a kind teacher()often helps us.  

  • A:which
  • B:it
  • C:what
  • D:who

答 案:D

解 析:句意:他是一位善良的老师,经常帮助我们。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语。先行词teacher指人,故应用关系代词who引导从句。


  • A:hours 
  • B:seconds 
  • C:minutes 
  • D:years

答 案:D

解 析:考查名词辨析。句意:一些体育运动或比赛项目,如跑步和跳高,可以追溯到数千年前。hour:小时;second:秒;minute:分钟;year:年。

5、Canada is()country by total area in the world  

  • A:the two largest
  • B:the second largest
  • C:the two larger
  • D:the second larger

答 案:B

解 析:句意:加拿大是世界上总面积第二大的国家。“the+序数词+形容词最高级+单数可数名词”是固定用法,意为“第几……的……”。


1、国外某中学一行人将来你校进行为期一周的交流学习活动,以下是你提供的活动方案。请根据括号里 的中文信息将内容补充完整。 Hello,friends.I've got a 1 (计划)for you which may help you learn about Chinese culture.First of all, I'd like to 2 (介绍)Chinese folk music.We have many famous pieces of music such as Jasmine Flowers.We have erhu,dizi,and many other 3 (不同的)musical instruments,so we will have some interesting 4 ( 活 动 )about it for you. You are going to take musical instrument classes on 5 (星期五)afternoon and our music teachers are going to teach you how to 6 (演奏)musical instruments in the music room.On Saturday night,you are going to 7 (参加)a folk music concert in the school hall. Why will we hold a concert for you?Because there are 8 (有天赋的)students from our school who can play very well.It's a good 9 (机会)for you to enjoy the beauty of some famous pieces of folk music and you will 10 (必定)lose yourself in them. Hope you will have a good time.

答 案:1.plan  2.introduce  3.different  4.activities  5.Friday 6.play  7.attend  8.talented  9.opportunity/chance 10.definitely  


答 案:1.hear from  2.share  3.traditional  4.increasingly  5.society 6.primary/elementary school   7.explained  8.satisfied  9.understanding 10.experience

3、假设你是重庆新华中学的学生李华,你的朋友Jerry将来你校参加夏令营。现请你用英文给 Jerry写一 封信,内容包括以下要点: (1)对他的到来表示欢迎; (2)告知他夏令营的活动安排,如:上课、参观博物馆、爬歌乐山、购物、吃火锅等; (3)邀请他来你家做客。 参考词汇:夏令营summer camp,博物馆 museum,歌乐山Gele Mountain,火锅hot pot 注意: (1)字数60~80词; (2)信件格式不做要求。

答 案:

4、毕业典礼活动是学校育人的重要环节。新华学校将于六月底举行毕业典礼(graduation ceremony),届 时 将邀请校友代表出席并致辞。假设你是办公室工作人员Lin Ping,接到毕业典礼筹备组负责人Wang  Wei的 电话,告知你负责邀请校友代表。请根据通话内容,完成以下任务。 任务一阅读对话,完成任务单。 Wang Wei:Hello!This is Wang Wei.May I speak to Lin Ping? Lin Ping:Hello,Mr.Wang.This is Lin Ping speaking. Wang Wei:The graduation ceremony is coming.We want to invite the CEO of Blue Sky Company,Gao Jian, to attend it.You know he graduated from our school.Please send him an invitation letter Lin Ping:All right.When and where will the graduation ceremony be held? Wang Wei:9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.,June 26th,in the school stadium. Lin Ping:What are the main activities? Wang Wei:Students will walk the red carpet( 地 毯 ) with their parents.Our headmaster will give out diplomas.Mr.Gao Jian will give a speech.At last,there will be a performance.Please remind Mr.Gao to prepare a ten-minute speech for the students. Lin Ping:OK.I'll let him know. 任务二请根据毕业典礼的安排,给Gao Jian写一封邀请函。 要点包括:(1)时间地点; (2)主要活动; (3)演讲时长; ( 4 ) 请Gao Jian结合个人成长经历,给同学们提出建议。 注意:(1)文中不得出现考生个人信息; (2)词数80~120; (3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。

答 案:任务 一 1.June  26th   2.stadium    3.parents    4.headmaster   5.performance

5、在校园里、在大街上、在公园里、在旅游景点,你会看到越来越多的人穿着汉服。请谈谈你对此现象的看法。 (1)你所了解的汉服热现象。 (提示:穿汉服的群体如青少年、大学生、中老年人;穿汉服的场所如校园、公园、旅游景点;穿汉服的时间如节假日、日常生活中) (2)你自己是否愿意尝试穿汉服?为什么? (3)你对汉服受到大众喜爱的看法。 (提示:传统文化、文化自信、时尚、美丽、舒适等)写作要求: (1)词数不少于80; (2)鼓励紧扣主题的适当发挥。 My Views on the Craze for Hanfu   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

答 案:My Views on the Craze for Hanfu    In the contemporary world,Hanfu has become increasingly popular.On campuses,in the streets,in parks,and at tourist attractions,you will see an increasing number of people wearing Hanfu during holidays and in daily life.Hanfu,the traditional Chinese costume,involves a diverse group of people,including teenagers,college students,middle-aged and elderly people.    From my point of view,I am very willing to try wearing Hanfu.My desire to try Hanfu comes from several reasons.Firstly, Hanfu's elegant and graceful design appeals to me.It has become the current fashion trend.Secondly,I choose to wear Hanfu because it is a powerful symbol of cultural self-confidence.Hanfu embodies the rich history and culture of China.    As a student,I hold a positive view of the craze for Hanfu.It demonstrates a growing interest in cultural heritage.The trend shows a rising recognition of the Chinese culture and symbolic value of Hanfu
